UFO sightings in Russia

This sighting is just one of many that have been reported recently on the Russian capital, the video was shot Monday, October 3 to Marfino, a Moscow district where the witness Vladimir Tillman has spotted a glowing object high above a nearby building . The movie, which was shot from the ground, shows the moving object.

There is no plausible explanation for the sighting of Mr. Tillman, but some users have suggested that might be the spotlight of a police helicopter. Others argue that it is definitely not a conventional aircraft
"You can see this UFO often in Moscow, I saw him twice this year," said a local resident. "They are even more frequent in other cities."

From its online publication last week, the video has already reached up tens of thousands of views.

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UFO sightings in Russia UFO sightings in Russia Reviewed by Il Portale sull'Ignoto on 13:28:00 Rating: 5

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